Tuesday, April 13, 2010

Scheduled Spontaneity

It's a mark of maturity when you've finally come to realize that with life there must be a necessary middle ground between being irrational yet fun and being responsible yet spontaneous.  The goal is still the same:  the enjoyment of life and the things and people around you  The differences between them though are twofold: age and a consciousness that though life never asks us to keep up with her, we want to anyway.

New Purchase: REI Bullet Bottle - 0.35 liter      

Cost: $19.50
Purchase Usage: One Week (ish)
Claims: Unbreakable stainless-steel vacuum bottle stands up to daily use; Compact size lets you easily slip it into your briefcase or backpack (2.5 in. diameter x 8.25 in. tall); Hand wash only

(These are my honest opinions. No restraints, no compromises, no holding back...)

Purchase Motivation
It was only natural that we went in.  We had just gotten done playing soccer at some random park with two latino boys, and were needing something else to replace the responsibilities that were looming at home.  Our cars practically drove themselves to REI.  It was one of those, "oh my gosh, I just have to have that" items.  The decision was between the small .35 liter thermos and the .5 liter one.  The damage had been done....the .35 liter it was!

I knew there was no turning back, and the excitment got the best of me. After and hour and a half I walked away with a new thermos, two cliff bar things, and was starting to ask the guy at the counter about bikes....bad decision. Dang those darn impulse items at the front of the counter!  Luckily, I was rescued by the closing time.  Hopped in my car, hit up Taco Bell, and was off to thoroughly test out my new little purchase.

Purchase Consideration
The "bullet" was used for about a week and a half, and was taken to and from work, to run errands, to study, to hike, to workout, and just about anywhere else I could take it.

  • It proved to be quite the retainer of heat for my coffee and coldness for my refreshing drinks (please refer to experiment below)
  • Absolutely loved the size and the portability!  The size was perfect for travel, fit perfectly in my purse, in my cup holder in my car and wasn't a huge eye sore on my desk at work
  • The durability was excellent...easily proved to be able to stand up to "daily use"
  • Aesthetically pleasing to the eye...got at least 4 covetous comments
  • Easy to pour and drink out of the actual bottle and tiny cup
  • BPA Free! Just my opinion but you should only buy BPA Free. 
    • Bisphenol A (BPA)-- is an organic compound, and is a component in the manufacture of polymers and polymer additives. It disrupts your functioning by mimicking your body's hormones....not good for you!
  • A lingering "new" bottle, plastic, weird taste even after a handful of uses
  • Sometimes hard to get the groves in place to screw back on to close

Experimental Coffe Test
7:45am Goodness Bottled
8:48am  Almost burned my tongue off!
11:05am  Still freaking hot
12:57pm  No burnt tastebuds but hot
2:12pm  Very much still warm
4:17pm  Warm
5:47pm  Still Warm

Though this test is only recorded once, I found very similar results each time I used this thermos for coffee.

Purchase Reaction
The one and only question that I want to address in this section is whether or not I would buy this product again and/or recommend it to a friend. A simple yes or no is all you will get...


I hope the overview of this product gives you one more reason to be enjoying life and the things around you...