Thursday, March 18, 2010

To get you thru the day...

Photo By: Erica Mackie

Photo By: Erica Mackie

Photo By: Erica Mackie

Wednesday, March 17, 2010

Reckless Abandon

To the cubicle-laden, desk-ridden, and couch potatoes; lend me your's time to start living your life. It's time to start doing the things you always think about doing while you're behind your desk at work. It's time to take advantage of your body's mobility while you still have it! It's time to start doing things you love. It's time to stop the excuses. The outdoors and all its appeal is what I love, and I have finally decided that my dream job of outdoor clothing and gear "tester-outer" will cease to be a pipe dream. This blog won't exactly be the dream job I've waited for; paying me the millions I've dreamt of, flying me to exotic places for mountain biking, or being my one and only job to support myself. But it's worth it! My goal is to experience the outdoors; its beauty and boundaries with as much clothing and gear as I can purchase...then write up a review for all those out there that want to know how to live it up in the great outdoors, and provide you with one less excuse from being out there. I'm no expert on outdoor clothing and/or gear, so please keep that in mind. In the words of Mitchell Goosen, in the 1993 hit movie Airborne, "the wave is mine...the wave is mine," and we shall begin.